Είναι πλέον συνηθισµένο, σε λίγο θα γίνει και… θεσµός! Τέλη Αυγούστου στο ανατολικό σηµείο του Κόκκινου Χωριού στον Αποκόρωνα όπου συγκεντρώνονται οι κάδοι απορριµµάτων και σε µικρή απόσταση από αυτούς… πλαστικά, µπάζα, σκουπίδια κάθε είδους! Η εικόνα αυτή δεν τιµάει ούτε τον ∆ήµο ούτε εκείνους που πολύ εύκολα αφήνουν όπου να ΄ναι τα σκουπίδια τους!
As a ‘foreigner’ I am well aware of the DEDISA request that recycling items should be put loose in the bins and the plastic bags taken home again for reuse. Similarly, I know that garden rubbish can allegedly damage the mechanism inside the normal refuse lorries and should not be put into green bins. I also know that large items like mattresses should be reported to the Dimos for collection, rather than just left by the bins. But, until the Dimos comes up with approved sites where garden rubbish, builders’ rubbish and other ‘junk’ can be left, is there any wonder that these things are just ‘left’ by the roadside? To be clear, it is not just the residents of Kokkino Horio who leave their rubbish around – some builders travel a few kms from their building site to leave their trash. The responsibility for a solution lies primarily with cooperation between the Dimos and DEDISA. A pipe dream?